Our Policies


Quality Policy

We at Encardio Rite will ensure satisfaction of our customers and build a lasting relationship with them by timely delivery of cost effective quality products and services. Involve all our people in continuously improving our products and processes and collectively try to excel in the all fields. Adopt and work in compliance with quality systems confirming to recognized Indian and international standards. Constantly upgrade the skills of all our people through appropriate training programs and methods.


CSR Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities at Encardio Rite are already in existence for the benefit of its employees and their immediate family members along with contribution to organizations that are engaged in the betterment of society in the field of education and medical help.

Integrating social, environmental and ethical responsibilities into the governance of business ensures long term success, competitiveness and sustainability. CSR makes good business sense as companies with an effective CSR policy, have an image of socially responsible companies, achieve sustainable growth in their operations in the long run and their products and services are preferred by customers.

Main objective is to make CSR a key business and social process for sustainable development of society. Encardio Rite will act as a good corporate citizen and aims at supplementing the role of Government in enhancing welfare measures for the benefit of society within the framework of its policy


ISMS Policy

Information is one of our most valuable assets and is at risk from many physical and electronic threats. Preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this information is essential to maintain our operational ability, protect our assets and safeguard customer and employee data. ISO 27001 Certification assures clients of the highest levels of security, reliability, and trustworthiness. “By implementing ISO 27001, Encardio rite demonstrates that it takes information security seriously, doing everything possible to reduce and mitigate risks. We are committed to continually improving information security controls and culture throughout the business.

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